Digital Audio Labs Livemix CS DUO CS SOLO
Digital Audio Labs Livemix CS DUO CS SOLO table de mixage mise à jour logiciel micro programme du constructeur téléchargement gratuit

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- [06/03/2018] 2.1 Digital Audio Labs Livemix CS-DUO et CS-SOLO firmware
2.1 Digital Audio Labs Livemix CS-DUO et CS-SOLO firmware
Information concernant la mise à jour
Mise à jour du 06/03/2018
- Langue: International
Télécharger la mise à jour 0,404 Mo
Mise à jour firmware Digital Audio Labs Livemix CS-DUO et CS-SOLO Mixer en version 2.1
Détail des nouveautés :
- Keep Mute, Solo and Quick Mute/Solo settings when loading and saving mixes.
- Restore Mute, Solo and Quick Mute/Solo settings at next power-up.
- Make Master EQ sweepable and change mid-band Q from 1.2 to 2.0.
- Add "Volume Scaling" function to turn down/up all channels at once.
- Add ability to group channels as stereo pairs.
- Improve sound of small room and medium room reverb.
- Long-press on "Dante Version" in Livemix Version Info now shows Dante network configuration information.
- Change metronome sounds.