Intel SSD Toolbox permet de configurer les fonctionnalités avancées des SSD Intel (SSD Optimizer, System Configuration Tuner et Secure Erase), d'accéder aux informations Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) ou encore de lancer des diagnostics pour identifier d'éventuelles erreurs de lecture ou d'écriture.

Intel SSD Toolbox


Intel SSD Toolbox permet de configurer les fonctionnalités avancées des SSD Intel (SSD Optimizer, System Configuration Tuner et Secure Erase), d'accéder aux informations Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) ou encore de lancer des diagnostics pour identifier d'éventuelles erreurs de lecture ou d'écriture.

Intel SSD Toolbox

Autre mises à jour


3.3.1 Intel SSD Toolbox software
- Système(s) d'exploitation: Windows 10 , Windows 10 x64 , Windows 8 x64 , Windows 8.1 x64 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 x64 , Windows 7

Information concernant la mise à jour

Mise à jour du 17/08/2015
- Langue: Anglais

3.3.1 Intel SSD Toolbox software Télécharger la mise à jour 57 Mo


Logiciel Intel SSD Toolbox software pour optimiser et mettre à jour votre disque dur Solid State Drive version 3.3.1 pour Windows Vista - 7 - 8.0 - 8.1 - 10 32&64 bit

Description détaillées de la mise à jour (Anglais) :

The new version of the Intel® Solid-State Drive Toolbox (Intel® SSD Toolbox) contains a new firmware update for the Intel® Solid-State Drive Pro 2500 and 535 Series and the Intel® Solid-State Drive DC S3710, DC S3610, DC S3510, DC S3500 M.2 and DC S3500 HD Series products.
The Intel® Solid-State Drive Toolbox (Intel® SSD Toolbox) is drive management software that allows you to:

  * View current drive information for Intel® Solid-State Drives (Intel® SSDs), including:
       - Model number, capacity, and firmware version
       - Drive health
       - Estimated drive life remaining
       - SMART attributes (also available for hard disk drives and non-Intel® SSDs)
       - Identify Device information (also available for hard disk drives and non-Intel SSDs)
  * Optimize the performance of an Intel SSD using Trim functionality
  * Optimize the performance of an Intel SSD in RAID 0 using Trim functionality Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) 11.0 or greater.
     NOTE: Trim on RAID 0 is not supported on Windows 8* or Windows Server 2012*
  * Obtain proactive notifications of new Intel® SSD Toolbox software versions for Windows 7 and Windows 8 systems
  * Update the firmware on a supported Intel SSD
  * Run quick and full diagnostic scans to test the read and write functionality of an Intel SSD
  * Check and tune your system settings for optimal Intel SSD performance, power efficiency, and endurance
  * View your system information and hardware configuration, such as central processing unit (CPU),
     chipset, controller name, and driver versions
  * Run Secure Erase on a secondary Intel SSD
For non-Windows users requiring firmware updates, please visit the Intel® Solid-State Drive Firmware Update Tool.
Before beginning the Intel SSD Toolbox installation, review the Release Notes and follow the instructions in the Installation Guide. A Frequently Asked Questions document is also available for your reference.
If you need assistance with the installation or experience issues, contact Intel Customer Support.
NOTE:  Installing this version of the Intel SSD Toolbox overwrites any previous version of Intel SSD Toolbox installed in your system.

The Intel SSD Toolbox supports the following Intel SSDs:
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 310 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 311 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 320 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 330 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 335 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 510 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 520 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 525 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 530 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 535 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 710 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 730 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive 750 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive Pro 1500 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive Pro 2500 Series
                          Intel® X18-M / X25-M SATA SSDs (34nm)
                          Intel® X18-M / X25-M SATA SSDs (50nm)
                          Intel® X25-E SATA SSDs
                          Intel® X25-V SATA SSD
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive DC P3500 Series†
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive DC P3600 Series†
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive DC P3700 Series†
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive DC S3500 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive DC S3510 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive DC S3600 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive DC S3610 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive DC S3700 Series
                          Intel® Solid-State Drive DC S3710 Series

† Intel® SSD Toolbox does not support firmware updates for Intel® SSD Data Center PCIe Family Products.
For firmware updates to Data Center Family drives, please use the Intel® SSD Data Center Tool. For non-Windows users requiring firmware updates, please visit the Intel® Solid-State Drive Firmware Update Tool.

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